401(k) Retirement Plan

If you’re a small to medium sized business owner and currently have a 401k plan or are looking to establish one, we can help.   Together with our plan administration and record-keeping partner, we can help you design, establish and manage 401(k) plans incorporating “best of class” online technology and low-cost institutional investment funds.

We use institutional asset class mutual funds from Dimensional Fund Advisors (DFA). Dimensional Funds have low expense ratios and provide broad asset class exposure. We’ve created six optimally diversified model portfolios that hold over 12,000 securities in 44 countries. These model portfolios range from conservative to aggressive, making it easy for you and your employees to select an effectively diversified portfolio matched to your goals and tolerance for risk.

401(k) plans have become the sole retirement savings vehicle for millions of Americans. But employers are increasingly subject to lawsuits accusing them of providing their workers with outdated and expensive products. Does your 401(k) suffer from poor plan design, limited and inferior investment opportunities, excessive costs or bad investment management? If so, we can help.

We embrace the fiduciary responsibility under section 3(21) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). As a fiduciary to you and your 401(k) plan, we help you make prudent investment decisions, educate your employees and increase your participation rates. The investment strategy used at Solid Rock Wealth Management was developed upon the fundamentals of Modern Portfolio Theory, incorporating decades of academic research and the science of investing, alleviating and reducing many of the duties, responsibilities, and liabilities that fiduciaries face.

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Next, Fiduciary Review and Compliance